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Selasa, 07 Februari 2012


Oleh : Nandang Kosasih Ananda *)
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships among Maslow' needs hierarchy, educational attitudes and self-concept of students of College of Education, Lampung University. The sample consisted of 120 students in their fourth semester from all departments at College of Education, Lampung University. Three data-gathering instrument used in this study were: (1) the work motivation questionnaire to measure the students' motivation, (2) the teacher attitudes questionnaire to measure educational attitudes, and (3) the adjectives self-description questionnaire to measure self-concepts. The data were analyzed by multiple regression techniques. Results of the study revealed that attitudes toward teaching and self-concept, operating jointly, significantly contributed to the variance in Maslow' needs hierarchy scales of basic, safety, and self-actualization needs. The finding that self-concept and attitudes toward teaching were related to students motivation adds validity to theory of the relationships between attitudes, self-concept, and motivation. It confirms the belief that a student's behavior pattern can be conceived as a number of affective variables operating jointly. Moreover, it would seem reasonable for teacher education programs to gather data on both the students' attitudes toward teaching and self-concept so that insights might be gained into the students' motivations. This information might be added to the repertoire of screening devices. And so increase the probability of more effective candidate selection for teacher education.

Keyword: Maslow's needs hierarchy, attitudes toward teaching, self-concept.

Telah banyak penelitian yang berkaitan dengan karakteristik kepribadian dan performasi colon guru dilakukan. Namun bukti yang berkaitan dengan sifat hubungan ini masih belum jelas. Para ahli psikologi yang tertarik dengan penelitian karakteristik kepribadian, motivasi, dan prilaku manusia, percaya bahwa motivasi memberikan ragam dalam intensitas prilaku manusia, serta arah terhadap prilaku tersebut.
Kebutuhan penelitian yang berhubungan dengan motivasi dalam dunia pendidikan guru
telah diidentifikasi oleh Turner sejak tahun1975 yang menyatakan bahwa:
Studies ... probe more deeply into the motivational basis ... [of student teachers] are needed. An efficient professional training system is one which invest substantial fund in the training ... [of] ... the least ... motivated candidates. A more efficient system would devote more intense and systematic training of the most talented and well motivated aspirants (hal.108-109).
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